Copper has made many unique contributions to the manufacturing industry. It and its alloys are very flexible, with good heat and electricity conductivity, resistance to corrosion, ductility, and strength. A survey revealed that 60% of copper uses are for conduction, 21% for corrosion resistance, 11% for heat transfer, seven percent for structural capability, and one percent for aesthetics. Often, these reasons are combined. We take a closer look at the ins and outs of copper and its myriad applications.
Reasons for Choosing Copper Products
Copper is often chosen for what it doesn’t do. For example, it does not rust. Ultra-violet (UV) rays from the sun do not wear it down so it retains its appearance. Copper is not attacked by ozone. It does not become brittle at low temperatures, remaining strong and durable. Nor is it altered by medium temperatures. Copper does not cause arcing as aluminum does. It does not need pricy molding tools.
Electrical Uses of Copper
Three-fifths of refined copper goes toward electrical uses. Copper cabling displays greater electrical conductivity than other available metals. Only silver scores higher. Most of the cabling in homes and offices contains copper. Despite its strength, it can be molded or bent, as desired. It is not negatively affected by insulation systems. Safety remains high even across years. It has a large creep strength so that it continues to function effectively for its long lifespan. Copper is also found in many electronic appliances.
Industrial and Commercial Uses of Copper
Businesses cannot function properly when the power supply is not continuously sustained. This can affect workflow and customer satisfaction. New buildings should be fitted with adequate current and future load capabilities. As a company expands, it will increase its energy consumption. Earth leakage (grounding), energy efficiency, quality, consistency, and flexibility are all reasons why copper is chosen over other metals and materials.
Copper is energy efficient. This makes it ideal for ventilation and heating systems and can reduce the energy bill of a company. These savings can be offset against the costs of installation within a few months. If an installation is efficient energy-wise, environmental emissions are curtailed.
Copper for Grounding
Although we have mentioned this benefit in passing, copper is great for grounding, but moreover, it is essential to have this feature. The voltage needs to remain stable at all times, whereas surges and breaking of earth leakage circuits can damage power supplies for electronic equipment, such as laptops and desktops. A copper conductor will prevent this from happening. This solution is recommended by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
Dies and Sheet Fed Applications
Universal Engraving uses copper in its processes due to the substance’s unique features. The company makes copper dies for sheet fed applications. A single die can stamp out one million impressions. See for more details.
Copper is not only nice to look at but is useful across the manufacturing industries. It is also used extensively in the wiring of homes and offices.