How VoIP Makes Remote Working Better?

Benefits of Flexible Working

Nowadays opportunities are not limited because of distance. You can work for a company in London while you live in another city or maybe a different country. Whether you call it telecommute, hot desking, Flexi-work or remote working, the demand for a flexible working hour is growing. More and more businesses now are allowing their employees to work from home or a remote location outside the office. Some managers and owners fear that remote workers could prove to be a disaster for their business. Some people also fear that remote employees might slack off and not be as productive away from their work desk. Sometimes companies are confused and have queries like:

  • Will it affect the way all employees work?
  • Do we have the required equipment and technology?
  • Can we afford to purchase new systems?

The reality, however, is somewhat different. In some cases, all you need is VoIP office phone system. Every business is different and so are their business needs. However, a lot of roles only need a telephone for the employees to do their job. VoIP technology can improve connectivity for small businesses in several different ways.

Benefits of Flexible Working

Providing your staff with remote and flexible working is more than a simple benefit. It also benefits your business in a lot of ways as well such as:

  • It can help you stay competitive in the business world
  • Open up a more wide pool of talent for recruiting
  • It allows you to decrease your carbon footprint
  • You can save a lot on travelling cost
  • It can actually lead to a more productive and happier staff
  • You can retain talented staff who may otherwise leave
  • It can lead to fast recovery from crisis and disaster

A VoIP phone service allows you to offer flexible working.A hosted VoIP system does not require any expensive hardware or software. VoIP providers can deliver you all the enterprise features over the cloud. With VoIP technology, the location doesn’t matter anymore. You don’t even need a traditional telephone anymore to handle calls. You can just download the Softphone app on any device of your choice and start calling. According to research, a happy employee is a productive one. Even if an employee is not looking for flexible work, offering remote working can surely boost morale. Not every employee can work remotely but they might use the option for emergencies like a medical appointment in the middle of the day.

 A VoIP phone service broadens your talent pool

If you don’t want to offer remote working then you become limited to recruiting talented employees in a particular geographic area. After all, nobody wants to commute long hours or move for a job. VoIPallow you to recruit talented employees from anywhere in the world. They can work from home and you can benefit from their exceptional skills. A talented person might leave for a competitor who offers remote working when you don’t. Or they may have other personal reasons to move away from the office. In several such situations, providing the option remote working means that your business can retain top talent. You can offer remote working conditions, even if only on occasion, can allow you to compete with the bigger players effectively. An enterprise can recruit from a wide pool compared to small businesses. With VoIP, you can enjoy all the similar benefits by providing flexible working. 

With flexible working, you can provide flexible working hours to clients also. Customers can contact your business any time of the day since you have employees in multiple time zones manning the telephones. This flexibility was only available for the large enterprises but now with VoIP business, even small businesses can enjoy such flexibility. For more information check

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